
Friday, October 7, 2011

10 step to adsense increase part 4

Now back to the AdSense ads themselves. First - if you are completely new to AdSense, be sure to visit the newly established formal start the help of Google AdSense and get all the free information you can. Secondly, we want to code the necessary placement of AdSense ads on your web site. I want to see the Google hotérkép (newbie help find the link). This image illustrates where the visitor's eyes go first, where one would get the most clicks. See how the reddest spot on the page directly above the content? I want you to understand that if you place an AdSense ads by page - the content should be directly above you. In addition, the best paying and best performing AdSense ad 336x280 large rectangle.

If you have already placed a 336x280 block before and after the content is highly targeted ads placed soak up the bounce rate. In other words - if 20-30% of the customers would leave the site quickly to find what they want - I want to click on an AdSense ad to find it. I'll help them find what they need, and I get a  referral fee  the click. In addition, visitors to stay for a while on my side a lot of clicking an ad because they're in the same niche. It's like the library and find the book you need, but seeing others on the same shelf may also like.
In addition to the mandatory two AdSense blocks before and after I use the content - I often add a text link unit 4 160x600 skyscraper or a sidebar. How do you feel that you, and layout. If you have other advertising content or sidebar to make money - may be a better situation. But if there is any category, and some of the latest posts - this type of AdSense ads can not  leave money on the table. This means - perhaps only a few extra pennies or nickels a day - but only if the money on the table to leave? Probably not. He added over time. Once again - especially if more Monetizing websites.
I learned this term (money on the table) from Joel Comm, AdSense eBook when I read some years back just after setting up my AdSense account for the first time. For the first 6-7 months I used AdSense I made no money at all. After I read Joel's book I quadrupled my CTR went from making pennies per day overnight to $ 3 - $ 5 A month after reading the eBook I received my first Google Adsense check, and I have received a month ago.

So - if your website or blog consistently apply my techniques above, you should have no problem with making more money from AdSense. Many times you read a great article like this and you wonder how successful it was for the author. Well, it worked for me - last year I made more than $ 10,000 from AdSense on a few websites...


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